Episode 91: How To Be Awesome At Getting The Right Photos For Your Event

Today, we’re talking about parties!! And specifically, capturing the right pictures at your event.
It’s so easy to spend so much time and money planning for your party, but then not actually capture all the different parts of and the special moments.
Celebrating and parties are so much fun and the photos are the best way to remember the moments and the details. Lindsay breaks it all down in this one!
Lindsay’s photographer- if you’re in OC… she highly recommends him!
Greg Loza - greg@belleamiestudios.com
Here are some of the tips Lindsay covers:
📸 Make sure you have someone designated to take the photos - so it’s not on you!
📸 Take the photos 30 minutes before the party actually starts so you aren’t trying to get the shots during the party.
📸 Give your list to your photographer a week ahead of time so they can digest it.
📸 Have your vendors in place 30 minutes before party start too so you can take pictures of the entire event.
Here is your party photo checklist!
📸 Family group picture in front of dessert table
📸 Family group picture in front of the other backdrop
📸Traditional birthday girl or a boy in front of the dessert table
📸 Fun or creative picture of birthday person in front of the dessert table
📸 Traditional birthday girl or a boy in front of the photo booth
📸 Traditional photo of birthday girl or a boy with siblings… either at dessert table or other backdrop or in a place that captures the entire party ambience
📸 Birthday girl or boy with both parents
📸 Wide shots of the party set up in the ambience
📸 And detailed photos of all the special elements… Dessert table and activity tables… Drinks and food
📸 Bring one of the invitations if you did a live invitation
Some optional ones you might want to throw in…
📸 Each parent individually with the birthday girl or boy
📸 Photos with grandparents or special friends or family… have them come 10 minutes early
Then throughout the party…
📸 Mainly follow around the birthday boy or a girl and capture the experience through their eyes
📸 In between that… snag pictures of families together or adults together or the birthday boy or a girl playing with friends
📸 Singing happy birthday back/blowing out candles cake moment
📸 Some sort of goodbye moment… If you are making a photo book it’s nice to have some sort of waving picture or a group picture
Cheers to getting all the right party photos!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!