Episode 37: How To Be Awesome at Not Drinking Poison

In this episode, Lindsay asks you to THINK about how you process things that happen to you. And be intentional about NOT DRINKING POISON when someone tries to hand it to you!!
It’s a game changer for your overall happiness!
She calls it poison because it is!!
Lindsay goes through how to deal with this ourselves, and how to teach our kids how to do this too!
This whole thing ALL goes back to what are you letting in your mind.
Together, we are putting ear plugs in when it comes to negativity or dream squashing! Don’t let it in!
Now listen, we all have to been self actualized and not block out something if someone we love is trying to help us and it's something we really need to pay attention to or work on changing or whatever…
But if it honest fall into this category its likely a WASTE of time!!
So that’s what we’re talking about today… first, realizing that when someone says something negative or hurtful for you… you have a choice with what you’re going to do with it. Are you going to digest it or not… and it completely changes the outcome of the interaction.
Thanks for listening!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!