Episode 35: How To be Awesome At Being An Overnight Homeschool Parent

This podcast is probably not what you think it’s going to be. Not as much about lists and workbooks and schooling… and more about teaching your kids things that you know… that you think they should know!
So this is our plan… we are going to do the assignments and everything our teachers give us.
Then- we are going to learn different things together.
Teachers are experts at how to do this- and thats what makes them so amazing! So Lindsay thinks we shouldn’t put so much pressure on ourselves and try to be.
Most of us aren’t trained in this stuff and she’s a big fan of doing what you’re best at and doing it 110%!
Now if you’re listening to this later and not during Coronavirus craziness… then I still love all of this for normal life. We think about teaching our kids… like it has to come from textbooks… but it totally doesn't!
Here are some podcast highlights:
❤️Don't put so much pressure on yourself or them
❤️Realize their word is turned upside down too
❤️They aren’t in school now - so they can’t be expected to do as much learning time
❤️Make a list of things you want to teach them!
Here is Lindsay’s list: (do one at a time- don’t overwhelm)
🌟Order kits online
🌟Tie your shoes
🌟Make your bed the right way
🌟Send an email
🌟Create a photo book online
🌟Edit a Youtube video
🌟Write a business plan
🌟Make a 2 tier cake from scratch
🌟Research online and find a place they want to travel
🌟Write and mail a letter
🌟Jump rope
🌟Eye contact
🌟Plans to help others/volunteer once we are able to
🌟Negotiate with me
🌟Learn how to pick out ripe fruit
🌟Test them to find a bright side in a bad situation
We hope this session really helped you take a deep breath and realize… we CAN teach our kids SO MUCH while we are home… and it DOESN'T have to come from a textbook!
Think of all the things you know and that you’re good at…
And think about each child and what they are interested in and what they would want to learn.
And you know what- maybe this whole experience will be such a great growing and learning experience for us and our kids - in ways we didn’t expect!
Thanks for listening! We are in this together friends! Now let's go out and teach our kids some nontraditional things that is going to add to the awesome humans that they are!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!