Episode 18: How To Be Awesome At Being Your Own Number One Fan!

Think about what a number one fan is!
Let’s use me for example… I love Bon Jovi. At one point in my life I would have said that I was Bon Jovi’s biggest fan. So that means in your mind, they're just the best- the ultimate! No matter what, they are awesome! I’m not focusing on the 5 songs that Bon Jovi made that totally flopped, not for a second! I’m focusing on You Give Love a Bad Name and Shot Through The Heart!
We focus on the good and we get EXCITED about them… we go out of our way to give energy and effort towards them. We speak highly of them and our overall energy is so positive and happy
This is exactly what you have to do for yourself!
I really think it’s the best thing you can do for yourself.
We’re talking about how to remove poison that may have been given to you in the past and how to ignore any negative talk that may be going on now.
Here are some other things we cover that are so important for the process of becoming your own number one fan…
- Don't over judge yourself
- Kill negative thoughts
- Think positive
- Act positive
- Don’t compare yourself to other people
- You can’t let your fails kill your self confidence
- Take the time to get ready each day so you feel good about yourself
- Stand talk
- Speak clearly and directly
- Be grateful
- Smile
- Exercise
- Clear off your to do list
- Be organized
I hope today’s episode helped you get one step closer to being your own number one fan!
So you focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses and the self talk going on in your head is all positive, you’ve killed the negative!
Ping me on Instagram and let me know what you thought about this topic by commenting on my post about this episode. And if you didn’t know already, I have another podcast, called The Million Dollar Tan Podcast where I talk about everything related to sunless tanning & having healthy and glowing skin that radiates. Check it out, I think you’ll like it! Thanks for listening… and cheers to being your own number one fan!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!