Episode 154. How To Be Awesome At Doing Something With Your Ideas

We all have so many awesome ideas. But most of them, we never do anything about! This comes down to two things… remembering them and taking action on them.
So today, we’re talking allllll about your great ideas. Those little ideas that solve a problem in your life or make things easier, or those bigger ideas that create something new or start a business or in some way change the course of your life. Maybe it’s an idea for a small change that can help something you’ve been struggling with or some cool adventure you’d just love to do at some point.
We’re talking how to get them all in one place and then… decide which you really want to do and how to actually executing on them.
Today, we’re talking about taking your ideas and making them happen!
Here are some of the tips Lindsay talks about:
-Keep an ideas book with you allll the time!
-Brain dumb in there- allll ideas go in!
-If it’s something you know you want to do… take one small step immediately.
-Say your ideas out loud! Run them by friends/family!
-Lindsay likes paper rather than notes on phone - but whatever works for you!!
Here are some links to idea books to get you going!!
Now go write down your ideas then make them happen!