239. How To Be Awesome At Starting A Podcast

Throughout my 20 year journey as an entrepreneur, I’ve seen more growth, progress and profits from one project, than any other. 
If you are looking to take your business or your life to the next level, I think you should start a podcast. 
And here’s why…
If you do it right, the logistics are simple and it’s so fulfilling and rewarding and inspiring.  And it is a long term strategy for whatever you want more of in your life. 
Being the host of your own podcast is like writing a book, it makes you an expert on your topic.  Whether you want to start a lifestyle brand or generate more sales something you already have going on, or maybe you have no idea where you would want the podcast to go, but you know what you would be awesome talking about. 
Yes, let’s do that!  
First, I’m going to jump inside your head and give rebuttals to all the things that would stop you from starting.  Aren’t there already too many podcasts?  Am I late to the game?  Would anyone even listen?
Guess what- everyone who’s ever started a podcast has thought those same things- and then did it anyway. 
In this episode I’m going to explain why I think you should have your own podcast, the benefits it can bring to your life, how we can make the steps simple so it doesn’t seem impossible to start, and how it can make you money. 
I am sharing how to start your own podcast!! 
Do it now - you will wish you did in 2 years. 
-Complexity kills execution!! 
Let’s make it simple! 
-If you have no idea where you want to go..
It puts you out there!! 
-I’ve helped a few women that I mentor start podcasts and I”m telling you - it is the next level move.  I’ll tell you more about what this led to at the end but I’m telling you everything you need to know here.  And I’m starting a group to do it together. 
-Breaking through all the reasons you tell yourself why you can’t do it or why you shouldn’t. 
Aren’t there already too many podcasts?  Am I late to the game?  Would anyone even listen?
1.  To record 
Set-up a free account on Zencaster! 
Planning your podcast 
Brain dump!  Podcast titles, ideas and topics for episodes
Use Zencaster 
This is the format I use 
You need a professional voiceover person! 
Have them do your pro intro and exit 
Blend that in. 
I use www.Fiverr.com to find talent! 
I used to pay $150 an hour 
And I have friends who rent studios 
I pay $35 per episode!  Or you can do it yourself in GarageBand or another similar one. 
On all podcast platforms and on your website 
Dont have one? Start one!  I like Shopify best!
It can take some time for it to be approved through Libson
Contact them and set it up ahead of time 
How to get people to listen
Be on other peoples podcasts 
How To Make It Your Favorite Thing
Do it in a way that sets your soul on fire and you connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise 
Making money! 
Sponsored episodes 
Make yourself a media deck 
Start a lifestyle brand and use affiliate links to make commissions 
Use it to provide value over and over and over (asking for nothing) then tell about what you have to sell. 
LINKS to things Lindsay mentions in this podcast: 
Adaptor (if you need it):
Voiceover talent:
Podcast Recording: (use Chrome)
Podcast Hosting:
Online Course & 6 week Coaching Group 
PING me when you start your own podcast and I will post in my IG stories!!
@LindsaysCloud on IG!
CHEERS to YOUR podcast!! 

On Dec 6, 2022, at 12:25 AM, Lindsay Dickhout <lindsaydickhout@gmail.com> wrote:
Throughout my 20 year journey as an entrepreneur, I’ve seen more growth, progress and profits from one project, than any other. 
If you are looking to take your business or your life to the next level, I think you should start a podcast. 
And here’s why…
If you do it right, the logistics are simple and it’s so fulfilling and rewarding and inspiring.  And it is a long term strategy for whatever you want more of in your life. 
Being the host of your own podcast is like writing a book, it makes you an expert on your topic.  Whether you want to start a lifestyle brand or generate more sales something you already have going on, or maybe you have no idea where you would want the podcast to go, but you know what you would be awesome talking about. 
Yes, let’s do that!  
First, I’m going to jump inside your head and give rebuttals to all the things that would stop you from starting.  Aren’t there already too many podcasts?  Am I late to the game?  Would anyone even listen?
Guess what- everyone who’s ever started a podcast has thought those same things- and then did it anyway. 
In this episode I’m going to explain why I think you should have your own podcast, the benefits it can bring to your life, how we can make the steps simple so it doesn’t seem impossible to start, and how it can make you money. 
I am sharing how to start your own podcast!! 
Do it now - you will wish you did in 2 years. 
-Complexity kills execution!! 
Let’s make it simple! 
-If you have no idea where you want to go..
It puts you out there!! 
-I’ve helped a few women that I mentor start podcasts and I”m telling you - it is the next level move.  I’ll tell you more about what this led to at the end but I’m telling you everything you need to know here.  And I’m starting a group to do it together. 
-Breaking through all the reasons you tell yourself why you can’t do it or why you shouldn’t. 
Aren’t there already too many podcasts?  Am I late to the game?  Would anyone even listen?
1.  To record 
Set-up a free account on Zencaster! 
Planning your podcast 
Brain dump!  Podcast titles, ideas and topics for episodes
Use Zencaster 
This is the format I use 
You need a professional voiceover person! 
Have them do your pro intro and exit 
Blend that in. 
I use www.Fiverr.com to find talent! 
I used to pay $150 an hour 
And I have friends who rent studios 
I pay $35 per episode!  Or you can do it yourself in GarageBand or another similar one. 
On all podcast platforms and on your website 
Dont have one? Start one!  I like Shopify best!
It can take some time for it to be approved through Libson
Contact them and set it up ahead of time 
How to get people to listen
Be on other peoples podcasts 
How To Make It Your Favorite Thing
Do it in a way that sets your soul on fire and you connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise 
Making money! 
Sponsored episodes 
Make yourself a media deck 
Start a lifestyle brand and use affiliate links to make commissions 
Use it to provide value over and over and over (asking for nothing) then tell about what you have to sell. 
LINKS to things Lindsay mentions in this podcast: 
Voiceover talent:
Podcast Recording: (use Chrome)
Podcast Hosting:
Online Course & 6 week Coaching Group 
PING me when you start your own podcast and I will post in my IG stories!!
@LindsaysCloud on IG!
CHEERS to YOUR podcast!!