Episode 12: How To Be Awesome At Starting Your Own Nonprofit

In this episode, Lindsay goes through the 10 steps she thinks you should take if you want to start your own non-profit.

1. Volunteer at places that interest you 

2. See what the void is 

3. Make a plan and run it by people 

4. Form a legal 501(c)3 non-profit 

5. Get the word out!  Start social media accounts & an email list

6. Create own website 

7. Figure out ways to raise money & how to get people to volunteer 

8. Start making an impact! (Start grass roots style)

9. Keep it small or grow it big 

10. Keep your eye on the overall mission!

Here are a few links to help with the logistics to form your own nonprofit!

*After you determine your name, secure the URL for it on www.godaddy.com

*After you draft and file the articles of incorporation (templates can be found online)  File here!


*To apply for federal tax exemption with the IRS


*To apply for your states tax exemption with your states Franchise Tax Board (FTB)


To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com

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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!