Episode 6: How To Be Awesome At Not Being a Helicopter Parent!

In this episode, Lindsay talks about helicopter parenting and how she learned not to be one anymore!
Talking about allowing your kids to have small failures to learn, letting them make their own decisions and not solving all of their problems for them. Lindsay is honest about the learning process she’s gone through with this and mistakes she’s made in the past.
She’s sharing specific tactics that you can implement today to give your kids more freedoms and allow them to be their own little people. Whether you’re a full blown helicopter parent, or maybe just a little… you’re sure to find some gems of parenting information in this episode! Comment on Instagram and let me know what you thought of this episode!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!