Episode 97: How To Be Awesome At Auditing Your Values

How To Be Awesome At Auditing Your Values

It’s time for a good self audit - It’s a value audit!

How are you spending your time?

How are you spending your money?

Lindsay talks about how a lot of us have an idea of what we think our values are - but unless we audit the process… we actually have no idea of what our values are.

It's not our perception of how we are spending our time and money… it's how we are really doing it.

Then ask yourself - it aligned with what you think and say you stand for?

There is often a gap between the desired values and the actual values. The intention needs to be transferred into real behavior.  

Lindsay shares the process of how she’s does a weekly self audit and how she thinks you should too!

Connect with Lindsay on Instagram @LindsaysCloud and let us know how you do this in your own life!

CHEERS to our journey to become our most awesome selves!

To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com

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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!