Episode 80: How To Be Awesome At Pregnancy, Delivery & New Mom Stuff
Here are some of the topics covered:
🍼 What to eat and exercise
🤰🏼 What to pack in your hospital bag ** to be more comfortable**
💗 How to choose a hospital and a pediatrician
🍼 What to register for and how to avoid over registering
💙 Preparing for transition from 1 to 2 kids
👶🏼 Thoughts on pregnancy during COVID
💗 Time frames - nursery and hospital bag
💙 How did you manage your weight and fitness while pregnant
🍼 Be prepared for anything - and open minded - and calm
🤰🏼 What really happens in the hospital right after birth that people don't talk about?
💗 Recovery from c section with baby 2- its rough- you have to listen to the rules - I split my incision
💙 Brother / Sister basket ideas
🍼 Doulas
👶🏼 Visitors/ relatives and setting boundaries
🤰🏼 HELP at home!!
👶🏼 Have someone do the things you DON'T want to do - I made this mistake so many times!!
🍼 Pictures in hospital
💙 Preg hair and makeup and photographer
🤰🏼 I’d stay off your phone in hospital and soak up the minutes just sitting / laying with baby
🍼What you need at home for right after the baby
💗 Favorite newborn products
🤰🏼 Surviving first 24 hours at home with a newborn
💙 Best advice I’ve received / worst
💗 How to manage your other kids and a newborn
🤰🏼 HORMONES- not feeling well after baby is OK and expected
👶🏼 Getting your body back - what to expect and how to feel like yourself again
🍼 Maternity leave
💗 Adjusting back to work after maternity leave
💙 How to manage having a newborn, running a business, parenting 2 other kids
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!