Episode 44: How To Be Awesome At Keeping Your Immune System Strong

We are all talking about how we can keep ourselves and our families as healthy as possible so I wanted to do an episode today about immunity!
Lindsay talks about the supplements she thinks are essential… including a few that Dr. Lekkos (her functional medicine doctor) told her about.. that she is SO excited about!
She gets into all the things we know but a little more of… like sleeping more and eating a little bit healthier than we normally would… working out a little bit more than we normally would… drinking more water… taking more time for mindfulness and reducing stress.
Lindsay’s Favorite Supplements:
Life Extensions Two A Day multivitamin capsule
So here are the other things we need to focus on:
😴Sleep more
😋Eat healthier
💪Work out more
💁♀️Drink more water
🧘Take more time for mindfulness
😌Reduce stress
Thank you for listening and cheers friends, to your health!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!