Episode 152. How To Be Awesome At Having A Bad Day

Bad days.
We all have them… today we are talking about how to get through them… in them in the best way possible.
We’re talking about how important our thoughts are and even more importantly, the words that come out of our mouth. How often are you labeling a day as bad, when it really was one bad thing, that in the big picture isn’t that big of a deal?
In this episode, we’re talking about strategies that you can use on bad days, and how to flip it, when it’s not actually a bad day.
It’s all about your perspective.
We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we interpret it and how we label it.
So if we are very intentional about protecting our happy headspace and how we interpret and label things, we will shake off so many more bad days, and have so many more awesome days.
Here are a few key points from this podcast:
-Lindsay says…
"Here’s the deal… I’ve done a lot of reading over the years to train myself to be in control of how I feel.
There’s always problems. I take it all on as my fault. There are hard parts of everyday, but I’m making other parts of my life hard on purpose, in the best way, so that I’m tough and durable and can handle those hard things as they come. I’m able to shake off more bad days because I’m mentally and physically tough. It doesn’t always work the way I’d like, but a lot of times it does. Because I train and I’m ready for it, just like a race."
-There is a concept in psychology called "learned hopelessness.”
This concept is used to explain certain aspects of depression and anxiety and I think often times what can lead us to saying we’re having a bad day.
Basically if you’re taught at a young age that you are helpless in the face of struggles or the world’s forces, you will continue to view things that happen to you with a perception of lack of control, and then actually become helpless, no matter the context or if things change or if you really do have control.
-Shitty things happen to us, but we have to think, has someone else gotten through this and come out ok… then we can too.
-We have to realize that we are in control of so much more than we think. And it’s important to take on accountability and blame because it’s so freeing, you control almost everything!
-Take care of your body!! Nutrition, exercise and sleep!! You are so much more durable when bad things happen if you are giving your body what it needs.
-Stress affects every part of our body- so we have to fight to keep it as low as possible.
Stress affects your hormones, your muscles, your breathing and your blood pressure.
-Pay attention to your stress so you can fix it and sleep well at night.
-Sometimes you just need to sleep it off!! Don’t try to solve your problems in a day- especially when you’re emotional/exhausted from it. You are a better problem solver and better able to cope with stress when you’re well-rested. Plus, things won’t seem like such a big deal as time goes on.
-Get in your 10s on the regular- so you are operating HAPPY.
-Don’t judge yourself for days when you weren’t your best.
-I don't have a lot of bad days because I don’t acknowledge bad days.
I believe in FEELING ALL THE FEELINGS! I’m not talking about suppressing- totally the opposite!!
I’m talking about having perspective about it.
-If the people I love are healthy and I didn’t get a call that one of them is sick or injured, it’s a good day.
-Having an issue in my business or losing a big opportunity SUCKS and it stings, but it doesn’t ruin my day. It’s a bummer… but I’m not VERBALIZING it and labeling it.
-We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can control how we interpret it and how we label it.
So if we are very intentional about protecting our happy headspace and how we interpret and label things, we will shake off so many more bad days, and have so many more awesome days.
Thanks for listening!! Have an AWESOME DAY!!