Episode 137: How To Be Awesome At Calendar Planning For The Month

In this episode, Lindsay shares her secret for giving extra thoughtful gifts, for having themed outfits for holidays or really anything else that seems like she’s on top of… it’s all because she plans out her month ahead of time.
She’s sharing her love for a paper calendar and why she loves a monthly view.
It saves so much time and energy and money!! You’ll feel less stressed using this method and less rushed because you’ve taken care of so anything’s ahead of time.
This is a very practical podcast all about using your calendar to plan out your month to make you more efficient and more awesome.
Here are a few points Lindsay talks about:
- Listen to How To Be Awesome At Treating Every Sunday Like It’s New Years! That one is all about goal setting and planning and action items to get to where you want to go. This one is more about your life and your lifestyle and your social plans and gifts and events and all that.
- Do things that are quick now, make a big list of things to do later - or items to keep an eye out for.
- Brain dump everything!
- Look at your calendar and make sure it has balance! Date nights and time with friends and time for self care.
- Lindsay says, "If one of my kids needs something - I put a note on the side of the calendar so I keep it in mind.. or I send an email then to plan a playdate, etc."
- If you need time to book fitness/gym… get it on there.
- Make sure everything on there is something you want to be doing (unless you actually really have to).
- Do it when you have actual time to execute things and do it the right way.
- When you think of things ahead of time, pop onto your calendar and put it on the sidebar of that month.
- It’s the best for planning vacations or weekend getaways!
- Find your balance of planning enough but not too much.
- Often times you can spend less money and get things you love even more, and spend so much less time getting there.
- Book your dinner reservations - you can always cancel! (But make sure you cancel)
Happy calendar planning!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!