Episode 124: How To Be Awesome At Birthday Smash Cakes

How To Be Awesome At Birthday Smash Cakes

This episode is all about smash cakes!!

Lindsay sets up a little photo shoot for each kid on or around their birthday with a smash cake.  It makes for the best memories and cutest photos!

Here are some of the topics she covers:

🎂 Pick a theme that they like

🎂 Have cake made or make it yourself

🎂 Set-up a backdrop for it

🎂 Plan to shoot it or hire someone to do it
If you are local!  Contact Greg Loza- my photographer!

🎂 Lighting is key

🎂 You can start anytime- don’t have to start from birth!

🎂 Save the rest of the cake for the family singing at night - repurpose!

🎂 It’s so fun to see what they do at each age- dig in or cautious etc!

🎂 Make it fun!  Have surprise elements

🎂 Get your essentials in first

🎂 Bribery works!

🎂 Consider involving the family in the pictures

🎂 Don’t show the actual cake until the moment of

🎂 Let it happen naturally!!

To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com

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Also be sure to follow Lindsay on Instagram @lindsayscloud for everything how to be awesome!