Episode 111: How To Be Awesome At volunteering For Your Own Personal Growth

We all know how one person can make a difference and change the life of others by volunteering. But what isn’t always talked about is what volunteering can do for YOUR life.
As non-profit work has become a big part of Lindsay's life, she's been surprised to learn how much it’s enriched her life in so many ways.
It’s given her a greater sense of perspective and gratitude but it also gives her that feeling like she's contributing to the world in some way. And it helps when she's in a funk or in a moment of life transition or when she feels like she's sort of failing at everything or trying to sort things out.
It brings happiness and clarity and… it’s the best practice and making sure you don’t sweat the small stuff. When you have a lot going on, and you’re helping others, you just don’t care about what someone’s cousins mom said about you. It just doesn’t matter. You have so much more to do and to give and to worry about. This one is all about how helping others actually helps YOU.
Here are some of the key points Lindsay covers:
️It’s really all about perspective and you don't care about stupid shit. It’s also great because you can make new friends and contacts. It makes you more social and just sort of worldly and helps you not live in too sheltered of a world.
Volunteering as a family - shows your kids first hand how they can actually make a difference. For Lindsay, it keeps her grateful, like actually really grateful. When she has a shitty day, she’s able to snap herself out of it quicker because she's like Really Lindsay? Come on, that sucked but we are good girl.
️It can teach you valuable skills - which can translate into career experience and job skills. One thing to mention though is that it can be heavy on the heart. The best part- all you need is passion and positivity - those are the only requirements.
It’s great to get outdoors and volunteer, especially if you have a desk job. ️It can provide you with a renewed sense of creativity, motivation and vision that carrels over to your professional and personal life.
Cheers, to all the good that comes from volunteering!
To check out everything how to be awesome head over to www.howtobeawesomeateverything.com
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