311. How To Be Awesome At Leveling Up Your Life With Four No’s

Here’s how it works.  Every Sunday when you are planning out your week, you decide on what your four no’s will be.

These are things that you just won’t do.  It works so well because it’s not making this big list of things you have to do - like go to the gym for an hour a day, set aside time and a quiet space to meditate- while I love all things like that too- what we are talking about today is so much easier because it doesn’t require more time or energy.

It just requires discipline and self control to not to the thing.

Here are examples…
Maybe you had the worst hangover last week - and it’s happened a lot lately and you’re over it - so one of your Nos would be… NO more than 2 drinks in a night.

Other examples…
No scrolling social media in bed
No eating past 7pm
No hitting the snooze button

All things that make you better- make you feel better, more productive, healthier.

I’m sharing my current four No’s and lots of examples to get you thinking about how you can set-up these rules in your life to help you get to exactly where you want to be.  Without doing anything at all, you just have to set limits and say no to things.

Why 4?
5 is too many and 3 is too few

My current ones:
No distracted communication
No phone or social media or scrolling before bed or when I wake up
No food past 7
No eating at the fridge

No raising my voice
No fast food
No negative self talk
No negative talk about others
No refined sugars or starches
No checking emails constantly
No skipping breakfast
No clutter
No processed foods
No sitting for more than 2 hours at at a time
No eating in the car
No more than 2 cups of caffeine
No multitasking
No overcommitting

Here is a link to my 2.0 Habits System that I talk about:

Here’s how you figure out what yours are…

Just ask yourself, what would make your days better?  What would get you going to your goals faster?  It works in all buckets of life.

If you are distracted and not getting enough done, set limits there.  

Many of my current issues are around food and eating right now.
But then those will regulate and they will be about other things.

The key is - making a promise to yourself that you will stick to it.
And every time you do, its like a vote for the person you want to be.
It’s deep self confidence that nobody knows about, but you do.
You become a person that does what you tell yourself you are going to do.
It gives you strength in all areas of life.

When we let our emotions dictate our actions -

We have to be consistent to see change and this sets us up for that.

Emotions are changing and inconsistent.  So by setting up these nos - you creating consistency even when you’re emotions aren’t.

Most people are going through life on auto pilot. If they are annoyed by something or feel a negative emotion or don’t feel 100%, they use it as an excuse to not stick to their standards.  They make bad choices and don’t do things that align with their goals and priorities.

Because it feels good now- but feel even worse later.   Now I over drank AND I broke a promise to myself.

Your emotions can’t determine your actions if you want to be extra ordinary.  We know that for sure.

Doing things this way, you choose what you know is right for you, regardless of how the day is going.

It helps you do what you need to do, even when you don’t feel like it.

I tell myself, this isn’t hard… I don’t have to actually DO anything.  I can certainly just not do this thing.

I’m all about FREEDOM and the crazy part is - freedom comes from discipline and structure.

And it helps us raise our standards for ourselves. These NOs become our standards.  And we keep these standards even when we’re tired or in a bad mood or whatever it is.  Set standards that make you proud of yourself using this system and accept nothing less.

As you move through the weeks, you’ll find that some of your 4 NOs become automatic and you replace them with 4 new Nos.  Things you decide you will not do, because you have this high standard of yourself. You just won’t break the promise to yourself.

And now you have this whole new set of standards that you have for yourself.

CHEERS!!  To designing your NOs to level up your standards and your life!