280. How To Be Awesome At Mastering The Last Hour Of Your Day
From the book, 10X is Easier Than 2x:
The final hour of the day determines the quality of your sleep as well as the quality of your next day. Over 90 percent of people are 2x at night, where they fall to unhealthy habits and consumption, especially random online scrolling.
For 10x sleep, put your phone on airplane mode at least 30-60 minutes before bed. Write in your journal and include 3 wins you had that day.
These wins can be any forms of learning or progress you had.
Then after you’ve framed the day as a win, write down what you want for tomorrow.
Other tips:
-Have a few other healthy wind down habits like meditate or stretch or a moment of connection with someone you love and then commit to sleep. Be excited and happy to fully shut down.
what needs to be done and say what needs to be said so you don’t go to bed with crumbs! You will sleep better without a
racing mind when you go to sleep. Journal to wind down and figure out what else sets you up for the best nights sleep.
-Get a schedule going - Have a set bedtime and wake time and don’t vary it too much or you’ll experience “jetlag."