64. The Most Awesome Adventure Tote

This bag is worth the investment and worth getting the original and not the knock-offs because it is such good quality and will last you for years. These bags come in a few sizes - this is the best for fitting everything you need but not being too bulky.
Store it where it’s quick to grab and go and I swear you will use it alllll the time. I just love that it’s sturdy so instead of using reusable bags for things - I use this!
I pack snacks for our sports teams… I bring one on snow trips for allllll the gear you need with you. I take it to the beach for towels and sunscreen… it’s so easy to pop on the ground and pull out what you need.
It works so well because it’s completely waterproof and it’s rubber so you can literally hose it off.
I’ve already been thinking about getting a few of these to use as gift baskets for Christmas.
Bogg bags are the jam!!
Click HERE for link!