The Most Awesome Hospital Birthing Bag

In case you have to supplement - you will likely want your own brand, not what hospital has.
Headbands for girls
Cute top knot hats
Clothing options for baby!
If baby is measuring small, consider some premie options so you have clothes that fit.
Sweetest gender neutral baby robe
A robe and slippers for you.
Light-weight robe
I wouldn’t bring your nicest pair ever. These are great for this!
Phone charger.
Healthy packaged snacks.
Speaker if you want some music in your room.
Panty liners and full coverage undies for recovery.
Thin ones
Thicker ones
Transitional hospital robe
Nursing tank
I used more nursing friendly tops rather than actual nursing tops.
Your own diapers and baby wipes if you want a particular brand.
Fav diapers that show wet line!
Flip flops for shower and your own towel or 2.
THE BEST LoveyLu security blanket
FAV swaddle!
Don’t do it the old fashioned way!!
SOFTEST blanket!!
And the tiny soft blanket to cuddle
Infant Pacifier
Organic cotton socks
Organic cotton sleepers
- A few “outfits” for you in case you stay longer than you thought.
During COVID especially, you might not be able to have someone run home for you.
Make them loose so you feel comfortable. I felt about 6 months pregnant walking out… so pack to be cozy.
-Your regular skincare/make-up, in case you want it. Better to have it all, pack it like you’re going on a trip!